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Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank publishes annual reports on its website. It also publishes a select number of operational datasets. On its website the Asian Development Bank also publishes information on projects and tenders. It also publishes project-related procurement such as awarded consulting contracts and awarded contracts goods, works and services and information on institutional procurement.



Under IATI, Asian Development Bank publishes project, or policy-based lending, data of sovereign operations funded with the Asian Development Fund (ADF) or the Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR). Technical Assistances financed with Technical Assistance Special Fund are currently not included. Private Sector Operations are not included due to disclosure limitations.


The Asian Development Bank publishes project-related procurement such as awarded consulting contracts and awarded contracts goods, works and services and information on institutional procurement on its website but not as open data. It does publish summary data on overall procurement by origin (.xlsx), ADB Members (.xlsx) and cumulative contracts awarded by origin (.xlsx) but without details.