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European Commission

The budget of the European Commission can be found on its website. It also publishes data related to the EU budget. The data is organised by budget lines and each line has a reference to the Multiannual Financial Framework. Expenditures between 2000 and 2015 (.xls) can be found on the website of the EU Budget.



On the Commission's Financial Transparency System (FTS) beneficiaries of funding from the EU budget implemented directly by the Commission and other EU bodies such as executive agencies ('direct management'), and beneficiaries of the European Development Fund. It does not provide information on funding from the EU budget implemented by both the Commission and Member States ('shared management'), or implemented indirectly by other international organisations or non-EU countries ('indirect management'). According to the site, 'up to 80% of the EU budget expenditure is managed by Member States under shared management in areas such as agriculture, cohesion policy, growth and employment.

Data on European Structural and Investment Funds are published via cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu.

Information on EU-funded research projects (CORDIS) is also available as open data. To use this data you can make use of the reference data (countries, funding schemes/types of action and subjects). Information on research and innovation projects funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 framework programme from 2014 to 2020 are also available in an open format. There is also a ZIP file containing full XML files of all H2020 projects existing in the CORDIS database.

Four of the European Commission's departments publish data to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Standard:


Information on public procurement contracts can be found at TED (Tenders Electronic Daily). Data is available on public procurement contracts, according to the EU rules on public procurements, of notices published in EU member states, European Economic Area (EEA) and beyond. TED offers bulk downloads of XML packages only for registered users. The XML packages are divided into daily editions of the Supplement of the Official Journal and monthly collections, starting from January 2011. A subset of TED covering public procurement from 2009 and a number of fields from the contract award notice (who bought what from whom, for how much and which procedure and award criteria were used) is available in CSV format. Data consists of tenders above the procurement thresholds but a number of below threshold tenders can be found as well.