European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank publishes its financial reports and unaudited condensed semi annual financial statements online but not as open data. It also publishes a project list of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), an initiative launched jointly by the EIB Group – the European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund – and the European Commission. The data can be downloaded (xls) into a table sheet.
- Projects financed by the European Investment Bank
- Projects to be financed by the European Investment Bank
- EIB IATI data
- TED data
The EIB joined IATI in 2013. EIB updates data on a monthly basis and new signed contracts are added. Its implementation schedule (PDF) provides an overview of the scope of the EIB's IATI reporting.
Although the EIB publishes information on procurement on its own website. Procurement of EIB follows procedures of TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the 'Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU ("OJ S"), dedicated to European public procurement. Data related to EIB procurements need to be extracted from TED data.