International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The International Monetary Fund publishes its budget and financial statements on its website in PDF format. It also publishes weekly summary reports (PDF) of financial assistance to member countries, available IMF resources and key IMF rates. The IMF has an open data portal with datasets on a variety of fiscal issues, but the portal does not include data on IMF spending or procurement.
On its websites a select number of datasets on its finances can be found and it has a IMF Financial Data Query Tool with cross-country historical financial data since 1984, including IMF members’ quota, reserve tranche position, SDR holdings, outstanding credit, projected payments due to the IMF, members’ arrangements and IMF’s borrowings, and monthly historical transactions with the IMF. IMF also publishes historical data (tsv) from May 1, 1984 to the present on the IMF's disbursements to members (loans and purchases) and repayments from members. The data, which is available by date or by member, also includes charges and interest paid, except in the SDR department.
- IMF Lending Arrangements
- IMF disbursements to members (loans and purchases) and repayments from members
- IMF credit outstanding for all members from 1984 - 2017
- Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) Allocations and Holdings for all members
- Protracted Arrears: April 30, 1997 to July 31, 2017 (in SDR's)
The International Monetary Fund does not publish in the IATI standard. With the IMF Financial Data Query Tool cross-country historical financial data since 1984, including IMF members’ quota, reserve tranche position, SDR holdings, outstanding credit, projected payments due to the IMF, members’ arrangements and IMF’s borrowings, and monthly historical transactions with the IMF can be found and exported.
The IMF has a page on procurement but no data was found on notices or contract awards. Also no information on notices and contract awards were found on the site of UNMG.