The North Atlantic Treaty Organization published summaries of its military (PDF) and civil budget (PDF) of 2016. Financial audit reports and performance audit reports done by the International Board of Auditors (IBAN) of NATO can be found online. But as the IBAN stated in its own annual report (PDF), there is no overall picture of NATO’s financial position, performance, cash flows and budgets since there are no consolidated financial statements of common funded NATO bodies. In 2016 NATO only published a PDF document with statistics on the NATO's Security Investment Programme (NSIP). The NATO Parliamentary Assembly publishes financial statements but budgets and finances of most NATO bodies are not disclosed.
NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) periodically publishes lists of contracts awarded with a value above a certain threshold (EUR 80,000 in 2017). The lists are published in PDF format but not as open data. These documents only indicate the purpose of the contract, the contractor's name and country of residence, and the contract value.